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The average delivery time can range from 15 days to 90 days from the date of order confirmation, depending on the specific geographic location of the customer. For pre-ordered items, the delivery start time will be notified later.
Currently, customers can pay for Ape In Style items through Shopify Payment for non-crypto payment. Crypto payment will be updated in May.
Ape In Style offers different warranty periods for each type of product. Please refer to the detailed information for each product or contact our support channels for more information.
Ape In Style will apply the warranty to customers if the product has manufacturing defects and is within the warranty period. Customers need to keep the invoice when purchasing from Ape In Style to apply for valid warranty claims.
Ape In Style will not apply the warranty to products subject to external force impact and wear and tear during customer use. Please refer to our policy for more details.
If you encounter any issues or have questions during the purchasing and product usage process, please contact us immediately through https://livechat.coin98.com/